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Self-knowledge Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. In self-knowledge is the whole universe; it embraces allthe struggles of humanity. - J. Krishnamurti 2013. 10. 14.
티머니(T-money) 선불카드 잔액부족에 대한 오해 혹시라도 떠도는 소문에 실수 할까봐...^^; 티머니(T-money) 마이너스 카드가 아니고 일반카드 사용시, 잔액부족이면 현금으로 내야 한단다.그리고 마이너스카드는 단종이라네...뭐 메리트가 없으니까... 궁금하면 ====>>> 티머니 홈페이지 2013. 8. 12.
Life is not an abstraction If one allows a problem to endure for a month or a day, or even for a few minutes, it distorts the mind. So is it possible to meet a problem immediately without any distortion and be immediately, completely, free of it and not allow a memory, a scratch on the mind, to remain? - Freedom from the Known,93 2013. 8. 8.
Unless you discover for yourself the deep source of your fear So what is it that most of us are afraid of? There are superficial fears, such as the fear of losing a job, and so on, but to those fears we can generally adjust ourselves. If you lose your job, you will find some other way of making a living. The great fear is not for one`s social security: it lies much deeper than that. And I do not know if the mind is willing to look at itself so profoundly a.. 2013. 7. 19.
Why is one a slave to thought? Why has thought become so important in all our lives-thought being ideas, being the responseto the accumulated memories in the brain cells? Perhaps many of you have not even asked such a question before, or if you have you may have said, "it`s of very little importance- what is important is emotion." But I don`t see how you can separate the two. If thought does not give continuity to feeling, fe.. 2013. 7. 10.
I am unhappy and I must be happy. Demand is born out of duality: `I am unhappy and I must be happy`. In that very demand that I must be happy is unhappiness.when one makes an effort to be good, in that very goodness is its opposite, evil.Everything affirmed contains its own opposite, and effort to overcome strengthens that againstwhich it strives. when you demand an experience of truth or reality, that very demand is born out of.. 2013. 6. 10.